Monday, February 1, 2010

Four Artists, Four Styles at the Avatrait Gallery

After the successful show of Nessy Shepherd in January, the Avatrait Gallery has now invited four artists who make interesting works.
Nevery Lorakeet, Meilo Minotaur, Theoretical Afterthought and J. Blüü have made each four works in their very own style. The combination of these different styles makes this show so special.
After having the gallery on different places for the past year, we hope that we now found a place where we can stay for a long time. It was Tymmerie Thorne and Jerremy Darwin who were so kind to make some space on their sim Ghambt. We could build the whole gallery back again in all his pride, so the work of Prad Prathivi, who built the gallery, and which is a unique building inworld, is still intact.

The gallery will be open on Saturday, February 6th at 1 PM SLT.

Visit the gallery here.