Sunday, September 9, 2007

SL Blogger Logo

Initially, I was not planning of submitting a logo design for the contest of the Second Life Bloggers, because I am a photographer, and not a graphic designer, although some would say that all photographers are graphic designers. But I had an idea, and thought it would be nice to go for it. Why not?
I had three major thoughts for this design. First thought is that we, bloggers, are sending a message to the world. Therefore I picked the signal that we know from the grid, when we use Voice. I had to change the color, for not making it too bright.
Second thought is that we all write, so a pencil is obvious.
The third thought is that all the bloggers are posting about Second Life, so I used that logo in the background. As many other, not official sites, are using the logo of SL, I think we also can use it for this purpose. We are not stealing a logo, we only use it, as it is the base where all this started. Without SL, we, and certainly me, would never have posted through a blog. (Never say never again;))
The logo will be displayed at Zoe Connolly' place, and all bloggers can vote for the best logo.
"Group members will vote on the winner. Contest Entries will be displayed at the new Connolly Telegraph and Second Life Bloggers Headquarters in Antiquity Cove. Click here for the SLurl to Zoe's parcel in Antiquity Cove."

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