Thursday, August 16, 2007

What's in a name?

Where does the name Looker Lumet come from? Why did I choose this name. I wanted to post this already for quiet some time, but I read Mygs' blogpost, and I noticed I was already too late.;) Someone has beaten me to it.:)
Ok, some years back I was looking for some songs on the internet, some information about artists, and, as usual, you have to register yourself for being able to enter a certain site. So I did it with the name Looker, as I was looking for information.
I kept this name for several other websites, when I had to log in to Second Life. No difficulty to choose my first name, but which second name would I choose?
Going trough the LL list I didn't find anything interesting until I stumbled on Lumet. Thinking of Sydey Lumet, the movie director, I thought this would be nice.
Looker Lumet, and I like the sound of it too.
Now the irony is that Looker is in fact also a movie, directed by Michael Crighton.
So both names, Looker and Lumet are names from the movie industry, but in my case, they have nothing to do with that, it was just based on my first idea of looking for information.

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