Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Nessy Shepherd at the Avatrait Gallery
She isn't new in Second Life, she doesn't need an introduction.
Looking through her flickrstream you can see she handles a lot of styles. She loves fantasy and classic, but also modern and surreal.
This artist has prepared some post processed images but also pure snapshots from the grid.
Like always we will have a party to celebrate the opening of the show.
Don't miss this event, exceptionally it will start on a Sunday at 1 Pm SLT on a new location.
See you on Sunday,
Looker Lumet
Avatrait Manager
PS. Thanks to Metapartners we could build up the gallery on their sim for this show.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Panteleimon Aeon at the Avatrait Gallery
On Saturday, November 7th, Panteleimon Aeon will open his exhibition at the Avatrait Gallery.
The show starts at 1 pm SLT and will be followed by a party as usual, with the fantastic dj Vivienne Dufaux.
Ten original works and ten of his most beautiful art works will be displayed on the Smilla sim.
Last month we had to set up the gallery temporarily at a different sim, but now we are back on Smilla, the sim where the gallery was located since August.
We have put a teleporter at the entrance of the gallery, so that visitors can visit the "Paradise" and the "skyhub", two places which are worthwhile to see.
Visit the gallery inworld!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Etereal Ghost wins the CW Studio Halloween Photo contest
It is not always easy to find the right inspiration for pictures, but I am happy with this result.
I truly appreciate the comment written on their blog.
The soft ghost against the dark night is what made this image our winner.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Rebeca Bashly at the Avatrait Gallery
Next saturday, October the 3rd, Rebeca Bashly will be featured at the Avatrait Gallery. The show will be on for the whole month, but if I were you, I wouldn't miss the opening party for a dime.
Rebeca isn't an Avatrait member, but was a co winner for the May show, where she could exhibit her winning piece. It was at that show that she impressed the Avatrait board and they asked her to do a personal show for the gallery, which she gladly accepted. She made 20 new originals for this show, and I can say that they are really amazing.
I tried to put her soul in the poster. Don't miss this event!!
Dj will be Lucifer Hammerer
Saturday , October, 3rd
1- 4 PM SLT
Smilla 31/191/3501
TOTAL FUSION presents the Singles Mix&Mingle Hunt 2009 (Sponsored by metaLIFE) metaLIFE Website Launch Party
September 25th, 2009 -- Total Fusion -- will be launching the metaLIFE website ( on Sept. 27th, 2009 which will be hosted at Luck Inc. sim by CK Winx & friends in the relocated TuneZ Club belonging to LeChuck Reifsnider. The party starts at 12.00pm slt & the music alone is reason enough to attend, but the $70,000L in cash and designer goodies doesn't sound too bad either. This marks the highly anticipated kick off of Total Fusion's 120+ designer grid-wide Singles Mix&Mingle 2009 Hunt. These red carpet events have a high probability of SLebrity sightings, so don't miss your chance to party with the in-crowd. In true Total Fusion tradition, expect to keep your pimped out pixels in motion with 3 amazing DJ performances & a special guest set by real life superstar MixMaster DJ Nano2Hype [Visit:].
On November 1st, 2009 closing festivities will be held at >>>TOUCH<<< href=""> or contact Robbie Kiama or Pauly Richez in-world.
Total Fusion
MetaMarketing & MetaBranding Services
Eris Alexandre
blog :
Sunday, September 27th
Total Fusion Party @ TuneZ (Luck Inc.)
12pm to 2pm • CK Winx | Germany [Visit:]
02pm to 4pm • Eris Ashdene | USA [Visit: http://totalfusionvip.wordpress. 04pm to 6pm • Nano2Hype Kidd | USA [Visit:]
Sunday November 1st,
Total Fusion Party @ >>>TOUCH<<< href="">
12pm to 2pm • CK Winx | Germany [Visit:]
02pm to 4pm • Eris Ashdene | USA [Visit:]
04pm to 6pm • Analogue Voom | USA
$20,000L from metaLIFE in Shopping Vouchers (Robbie Kiama)
$20,000L from LUCK INC. in Cash (CK Winx)
$20,000L from THE LOFT "The Wisteria" Pre-Fab (Bethany Heart)
$18,000L from AM PRO in Vehicle Vouchers (Abacus Mimistrobell)
$17,500L from APHOTIC GLOOM in Goodies (Rico Plisskin)
$ 9,000L from XR SKINS in Gift Certs (Mystical Demina)
$ 6,000L from !be DESIGNS in Gift Certs (Diamond Shelford)
$ 6,000L from ASD Gift Cert (Alicia Stella)
$ 6,000L from DIESEL WORKS (Rogan Diesel)
$ 6,000L from MALIBU DESIGN in Gift Certs (Chelsea Malibu)
$ 3,500L from URBANITY in Gift Certs (Trixie Wuyts)
$ 3,000L from NAYAR in Gift Certs (Kaz Nayer)
$ 2,000L from VON DUCKY in Skins (Maylee Nishi)
$ 1,200L from MSTYLE in Goodies (Mikee Mokeev)
& More :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Are SL Artists becoming scarce?
I was reading an article, actually more a message, yesterday, about Second Life art, and more in particular the art of images. It seems that there are some people who believe the making of art works in Sl is over. People wouldn’t be interested anymore in making images in the virtual world. Instead of that, they look for other challenges as building, scripting, machinima, shops or whatever they think about what would give them more satisfaction than making art images.
My opinion is, that maybe there are less photographers inworld interested to make beautiful pieces, but….to me…it is only a natural change of interest. The “few” that will be left, will be the ones that are motivated to work on images and will try to maintain the quality of their images as high as possible. Others, with maybe more skills and talent, eventually will find their way in building or other activities. It is not always because you have the skills, that you are meant to be an image maker, and perfectly understandable to look for other challenges.
But there are exceptions. People whose life has always been about photography and who want to improve their skills in Photoshop or another post processing program will eventually stick to the pictures enhancements. SL is an ideal platform to take pictures and try out all the tools in your photo program. It is a world that is not comparable, as you can choose which background, which scene, which pose, which angle…etc….what you can not do so easy in RL
I won’t call myself an artist, but since I have registered myself at SL, I have been using the opportunities in the virtual world to enhance my skills in Photoshop. I wasn’t familiar with the program at all at the beginning, and, although I am not posting as much images as in the beginning, I still have fun by surfin’ the net for tutorials or images which I can use to process my pictures. And I see others improving too, and that makes me happy.
We do see a slight change though, and that is that more and more avatars use RL pictures to blend with SL pictures, but as long as the main object is from inworld, I don’t think it would ruin the appreciation of the majority, as being SL images.
I hope I am not alone with my view on this matter, and that we still will have quality SL pictures in flickr and inworld.
Sebcaen Ulysses at the Avatrait Gallery
On saturday September 5th Sebcaen Ulysses will open his exhibition at the Avatrait gallery. Over the past years we could already see on flickr what Seb was able to, but now he made several magnificent pictures, never seen before, not inworld, not anywhere else. The gallery will show originals as well as his best artworks over the past.
Beware of the new location!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Avatrait Gallery on the move
We were lucky that Mecca Merosi gave us the opportunity to have our shows at her sim, while we were looking for other possibilities.
Finally Coolz0r Courier offered to put the gallery on his sim . Landmarks will be given soon, after our hard work to put the gallery back in his glory.;)
On September 5th, the gallery will be opened with a brand new show of Sebcaen Ulysse's works.
Eventually, for the visitors of the gallery, nothing, or at least not much will change. The gallery stays the same, it is just moved to another sim.
Thank you Mecca, for hosting us these past months, thank you Coolz0r, for giving us this opportunity, and thank you, visitors of the gallery, for your everlasting support.
Flanders' contribution to virtual Art in Second Life
Many coming artists have participated in this show, such as Elizabeth Spieler, Penelope Parx, Franchella Milena, Rozamyndi and Ludo Meri, as a result of their workshops in SL.
RL works of Dan, the maestro himself, are also exhibitioned in the Indie Egg Studio.
Another part of the festival is dedicated to the friends of Dan, with the amazing works of Roodvosje Rosse, SaveMe Oh, Bekas Takaaki , yeuxbleux Noel, Carabella Babii, Artistide Despres, Arnold Jung, Petta Hax & Teaseu Xeno, Igor Ballyhoo, AuraKyo Insoo and ...Looker Lumet.
This is one art show you don't want to miss. Follow the link to visit the R.E.N. festival.
CNN iReport has covered the opening too, you can read the report here.
"Second Life (SL) Art Educator, Dan Yapungku, has revolutionized fine arts instruction using SL’s abundant artworks and SL’s infinite 3-D canvases to empower artists. In a stunning show of artworks featuring a dozen of his colleagues and students."
For the Dutch speaking readers of the blog, they can also read an article, which is more detailed than mine on this site, written by Frans Tomsen, CEO of Metapartners.
"Een Festival ter afsluiting van het eerste gedeelte van het KHLim project, met Daniël als begeleider – coach – kunstenaar, waar studenten lerarenopleiding/kunst, experimenteerden en via kunst-workshops, beide realiteiten in- en uitliepen als waren het kamers waarbij de scheidingswand was weggenomen.
Dit alles met de steun van het Regionaal Expertise Netwerk Vlaanderen (R.E.N Vlaanderen), onder de auspiciën van het Vlaams Ministerie van Onderwijs, Vorming en Tewerkstelling."
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
aRa Sheridan at the Avatrait Gallery
Most of the time we see her works in fashion vendors, but now she made some originals for the Avatrait Gallery.
Saturday, August 8th, will be her moment to show her art in the gallery. Never before has a non member been featured at the gallery, but aRa was a logical choice.
In the future there will be more exhibitions of non members, just to give them a chance to be known in the art community as well, as far as that is needed of course. aRa Sheridan is not unknown, but she never had the opportunity to show her works in this environment.
The opening is at 1 PM SLT and the DJ for the evening is Kiki DiVenna.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Fundraiser Event at the Avatrait Gallery
Nevertheless we want to support those artists too, and accepted the request from Noelani Mahana, to organize a Fundraiser Event for her next project.
You can see some of her previous works on YouTube, here and here.
Noelani Mahana is also a novice writer, and you will be able to find her works on Black Lashed.
"This Summer Mahana Machinima is dusting off the reels and embarking on a new machinima production right here in our beloved Second Life.
To finance this movie project Mahana Machinima is hosting a Fundraiser Event at the marvelous Avatrait Gallery on Saturday the 11th of July 2009 between 1-5 p.m. SLT.
Avatrait Gallery
We are honored to send you this invitation and hope to see you there where the owner of Mahana Machinima, Miss Noelani Mahana, will get more into details about this movie project.
This presentation will be followed by a magnificent show by the sensational DJ, Saturn Ariantho.
On behalf of Mahana Machinima I welcome you.
Noelani Mahana "
The art of Iam Yumako will still be displayed during this event, so don't hesitate to visit us, and enjoy the wonderful art of this artist.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Artist of the Month in Vain INC.
I was looking at the kiosks at the Avatrait Gallery, and suddenly I saw the cover of Vain INC. And there it was my name, artist of the month. Although it took me some time to go through the pages to find the article and pictures, it was worthwhile.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Iam Yumako @ the Avatrait Gallery
Come and join us on July 4th to the wonderful DreamWorld of Iam Yumako at the Avatrait Gallery. This artist has prepared some interesting views on the virtual world, from fairytale to futuristic cyberart.
The show starts at 1pm SLT, as usual, and we will have great music from DJLucifer.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Freak Show - GODart - The New Project
A new project is born. That is the least we can say about the next project from Freak Show. Loglady Loon published all about it on this blog.
Are you ready freaks? This the new project of Freak Show.
"Tell me what is your religion.
Religion is not only a spiritual organization with symbols, beliefs and practices. Religion is linked to Trascendental and Spiritual concepts, and also with the consciousness of the Limit of Human Mind. Who believes in no-one over us, who believes in a Thinking Entity that rules the world, who doesn’t care about the meaning of life, who thinks that Religious Institutions are only a way to control people, joined into the same symbol. Who needs Religion to live better, who entrusts all the life to God. In the name of God history took place; wars, homicides, love, humanity, help, solidarity, lies, power, self-improvement.
Religion defines our culture, traditions, hates; Religion creates rules and liberty; Religion can be destructive or creative.
Tell me in what you believe. Show me your personal concepts of Religion. Do it through SL medium, this blank canvas available for you, in which you can explain your idea with freedom.
I know, it’s another hard theme, full of delicate arguments. No censor as always, everyone can explains own vision of Religion and Faith. And I want to underline that a different thought about Religion is not offensive, but only personal. And we have to respect all different points of view. Cause world is various, and this show wants to link all this concepts together.
So, show me your GODart, the art of God, even if you think he is dead
This will be the first Artistic Showroom about the concept of God. God as faith, God as life, God as hate, God as an Entity or as Caos, God as Nature or as Organization. Your Religion: past, present, future. Utopia, Reality, or only.. Myth."
I can't wait to see what art is shown by some of the greatest artists in Second Life.
If you think you are up to it, go the blogpost and join the IW group.
I have never had a piece in the shows of Freak Show, but I am certainly going to try to submit a work of mine this time. The idea is so general, and yet a theme, that it is possible to go in any direction. Whether you're a believer or not, this theme can be expressed in different ways.
Friday, May 29, 2009
You are hanging on a VERY thin thread
So, even when you have a premium account with all your private information, credit card numbers, RL name and address, you can not change your password at LL. It must not be easy for Hyang to find support on that matter since she is Russian, and will have to call to the US, which she already did, but without any result so far.
After being on the grid for more than two years, this proves again what you money is worth to LL, what you are worth to them. You're just an avatar, a genuine pig to them. They use your information to improve their game, their business, without thinking of the people who brought them so far as they are now. It is a shame.
I know Hyang is getting support from her friends, but at the end, she will have to clear it with the Lindens. And if they can not help her, she will have to build her personality in SL from scratch, although she is a well known person in the community.
I only can say, beware! You're just a number, an avatar...not a person!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Avatrait Gallery Presents: Giving
Yes we are still here, still ready to show you some of the best Artistic Digital Impressionism on the grid. Come join us May 30th for the re-opening of one of the coolest gallery builds on the grid.
This will be a multi artist event which also features the top three winners from our May "Giving" art contest.
There is still some work to do, but I am convinced that we can have a fresh new start with this show, don't miss it!!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Avatrait Gallery eventually not on the ModaSL sim
Several weeks ago we had to reorganize the show of Joshua Morane to the Avatrait Garden, which was in fact a location on Shoshana Epsilon's sim. Our Gallery, which was up from December, had suddenly disappeared, due to technical reasons. In the meanwhile we were looking for a new place where we could build our gallery up again.
We received a generous offer from ModaSL , and Track Hax, the owner of Avatrait, did not hesitate a moment to accept this offer (see previous blog article). We were back in business , so it seemed. But after the excitement of having a place to start again, the board realised that, maybe we agreed to soon with this deal. Avatrait wouldn't be a stand alone company anymore and would probably have to deal with other circumstances. As we were thinking of how we could made this new start happening on ModaSL, we received another possibility.
Although we will probably still have some events with the co-operation of ModaSL, we have now a completely new location, thanks to one of the Avatrait artists, and dear friend, Mecca Merosi.
We have already built the gallery back up again, and are preparing the next show at the end of May. Location will be announced approximate a week before the show.
We are grateful to the people of ModaSL for the proposal which they made and hope to be able to work with them in the near future.
Don't let your virtual creations DIE - WILL your WORK day
Bettina Tizzy made a recall on flickr to share all works inworld, so that the works will not die, if something happens to you or if you leave the virtual world. This effort includes ALL virtual creations, not just art. She wrote:
"Dear fellow photographers of Second Life:
About two weeks ago, virtual artist Vanfarel Kupfer died. Had he not left copies of most of his work (no trans, no mod) with his virtual girl friend, Native Aeon, his only legacy would be what is currently rezzed today.
Avatars in Second Life devote thousands of hours to creating content, and all that work is LOST when they die. Yes, even if they backed up that work by giving it to an alt. Even if they gave their account password to someone. When you die and unless you have taken appropriate measures, no one, not even Linden Lab, can legally access your work. It is simply lost forever.
I have been in communication with Linden Lab regarding the correct procedure for "willing" one's artwork - or for that matter, any assets - in SL. Legally, the correct and ONLY procedure boils down to this:
In a nutshell, I propose that we establish one day a year, May 18, to encouraging content creators to "Will your Work."
The goal would be to celebrate Van's art while at the same time encouraging people to either give copies of their work to one or more avatars (not their alts) whom they trust, or add them to their Real Life will.
Also on May 18 and for one week, and working with his beloved Native Aeon, Vanfarel Kupfer's work will be exhibited at four locations: his former home sim, EnLuminaria, the Crescent Moon Gallery, the Blackwater Gallery, and Chakryn Forest. Understandably, Native is still very much in mourning over her loss, and when I asked her how I could help, she stated that her greatest wish is that Vanfarel's work become known throughout the grid. So be it.
I am asking all my fellow bloggers, photographers, community leaders and more to join me in writing about and promoting May 18th - on Monday, May 18th - as Will your Work day, to generate awareness of this important objective. If you speak more than one language, please help us to get this message out to your fellow residents in their native language. Won't you please help?
Feel free to create your own artwork. Help us to get the word out with your powerful images.
Here's to enduring great virtual content!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Lost World in the new issue of Role Magazine
If you’re considering strolling down the aisle during the upcoming wedding season, be sure to look at our fashion spread which features a lovely selection of nuptial attire. As always, we bring you articles on the latest trends; hot finds and kawaii, fashion tips for men and women; and, features on the subjects of house and living, art, music, literary, travel, property and more.
See an article that might interest your friends or group members? ROLE Magazine blog posts can now be easily shared by linking directly to your Plurk or Twitter page.
ROLE Magazine continues our commitment to our advertisers by providing verifiable readership statistics on our website.
As always, the team at ROLE Magazine thanks you for your continued support and encouragement!
The article I wrote this month for the Role Magazine is about "Lost World" and more in particular lolmac Shan and Kiya McMahon.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Freak Show & Avatrait @ ModaSL!
The Avatrait Gallery not only produces virtual art for sale in-world, but creates real-world versions available to order. As popular as the Gallery has been, the amount of Second Life art that can be featured in it at any given time is limited, so we decided to develop a web site that would allow all those interested in this new genre to store, share, and even sell their works.
As you all noticed, the gallery has disappeared for a couple of weeks now, and that is also why we had to move to the gallery garden for Joshua's show, which was a success, btw.
We had to look for a new location and found it eventually. All need still to be rebuild, but the co-operation with ModaSL is a fact.
What is behind the project ModaSL?
ModaSL is a sim dedicated to Fashion, Glamour, Design and Art related to Second Life. Its not commercial approach will allow creation, presentation, promotion and design of all new trends related to the world of fashion and all its derivatives. Composed of different areas depending on the examined field, ModaSL tend to become a solid point of reference for those who create and follow fashion, and new insights about the virtual design. The channels are muliple infact: two exhibit areas, one indoor and one outdoor, as a gallery space and for dynamic presentation of objects of design. There will be two runways to make way for new stylists or new collections. And also a cinema / auditorium to provide space to art film linked to Second Life, an information point where Miss Bliss Janus welcomes questions, giving informations and advices about new shops and new international trends, an "Outfit of the Week" area with references to combinations and LM, a building dedicated to bloggers, which will become home base within the metaverse of all important fashion blog runners around Second Life, a fashion school and last but not least, the famous Fashion Café, meeting place for parties, discussions and community. And finally, about 1000 meters high, you can now find the famous Freak Show, an area dedicated to the Visual Art of Second Life.
ModaSL is part of the region that includes ItaliaSL, both Jacopo Perenti's SIMs, and that ModaSL will be completed shortly and is going to be ready to host fashion shows, exhibitions, galleries, presentations, and many more.
More information on the Avatrait gallery will be up soon.
So, stay tuned Freaks and Avatrait fans!!!!!! A lot of fun and art @ ModaSL!!!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunshine in the virtual world doesn't always mean the same in RL
It has been a while that I have written a blog post, but every day seems to have fewer hours.
I had a lot of things on my hand, not only in SL, but also in RL. This meant for me that I was not able to work on pictures, the way I would like to do. And certainly did not even think about blogging, for which I apologize to all (how few they may be) readers, who are or were anxious to read about new adventures or experiences.
The next couple of days will even be very crucial for my future in SL, as some decisions are about to be made, which can turn my virtual life upside down. This can be either way.
I have been inworld for two and a half years; I enjoyed it very much, learned a lot and could do my most favorite thing: taking and post processing pictures. So not all was in vain after all.
Companies are rising inworld, and people with professional skills are taking over from the amateurs. Magazines, galleries, clothing shops etc. are more and more based on real marketing strategies, with people who are doing the same jobs in RL, or at least related to it.
It will be more and more difficult to start a new business, without having the knowledge of running a business. This also means that other avatars, who are the co-workers, will have or get more stress to get their things done.
The virtual world is and will always be a hobby for me, but you will have to find the right balance between the two worlds, not that the virtual world will become that important, that your real life begins to suffer from it. Some friends have experienced it, and decided to take it easy on the virtual life, and to secure their RL. Everyone will have to decide for their own, how far they can go with “the game”.
It is not easy to start a company, these days, and become very well known in the virtual world, building an image, which speaks for itself, and having the right people at the steering wheel. But when these people decide to take a step down, it is a tragedy for the company. It can happen in RL too, but to replace worth full people in SL is not a sinecure.
Where in RL you can almost say that people are replaceable, but in SL you will have not the same insight and visibility on people as you have in RL.
Will I be doing the same activities in the future in SL, will I take it easier? All questions I can’t answer. I still like to work on pictures, as main activity, but I just don’t have the time to do so.
Things will be more clear in a couple of days, I hope.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Bryn Oh in April's Role Magazine
The April's issue of the Role Magazine is out again. Don't miss it!
In March alone there were already 8.700 readers, not counting the inworld readers!
For this edition I have chosen to interview Bryn Oh, a talented artist from Toronto who has displayed her art together with Feathers Boa on the Role Magazine Headquarter on the Concetta sim. You can still visit the art installment of both artists.
Click on the image below to read the Role Magazine.
Koinup- Murku Second Life Comics Contest
Press release
Calling all SL/RL cartoonists! Koinup proudly announces its Comic Strip Contest. The Comic Strip Contest is the first of its kind and Koinup proves again that they are continuously raising the bar on their contests and helping artist to challenge themselves and win big doing it. For all of you who love to draw and are artistically creative this is definitely a contest designed specifically for you. The contestants will create their comics by using the Murku Hud, created by Deep Semaphore. Each contestant must contact Deep Semaphore in-world to find out how to get their own personal Hud. The fabulous prizes for the grand prize winner include $10,000L and a chance to exhibit their creation in the upcoming Museum of Comics. There will also be honorary mentions that will get the chance to have their inventive works viewed in the museum as well. Each contestant can submit as many entries as they want. The contest features two categories which are Cartoon and Comic Strip. The Cartoon category consists of a one frame work with graphical comic elements. The Comic Strip category features a small story created as a comic’s book. Submissions can be entered from now until April 26th. Get yours in today!
For more information and how to enter please visit:
Unlike other social networking sites, Koinup is still strictly for virtual worlds, making it the first of its kind. It is easy to create a profile, share your works (i.e. machinima, pictures, stories) on the site, as well as join the groups and participate in the contests. Koinup is growing rapidly and invite you to join so that you may participate in this as well as many of its upcoming contests and events. Koinup is the wave of the future, don't get left behind!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Building on the global popularity of DJ culture, the program will seek to find “The Planet’s Best DJ”, with “spin-offs” happening across the U.S. and in countries around the globe. The contest will feature a wide range of styles, from Hip-Hop to Techno/Trance, House/Electro to Reggae, Salsa to Swing, reflecting the international aspects of the DJ movement. The contestants will have to be able to keep the party rolling in any of these styles, or get voted off … leaving one DJ spinning with a major management contract and a $250,000.00 prize.
This ground-breaking entertainment vehicle will be starting on the web with a social network site where participants, contestants, hosts, and fans will post their audition tapes, and be voted on by early participants. The sooner each contestant begins building their fan base, the stronger they’ll be in the early phases, giving them the best chance for “making the cut” for the finalist pool for this fall’s TV filming schedule.
As the contest progresses, events will be held in a Virtual World environment that will allow fans to visit with top industry celebrities, attend exclusive concerts, and have their avatars dance to live and taped events in virtual clubs. All participants in the Reality TV project will be contractually obligated to spend a certain amount of time “in-world” every week, so viewers will never know who they’ll run into or what unique content they might encounter when in the Metaverse development.
Free sign-ups are available now at the newly released site,, and contestants, host candidates, dancers, and general fan-base viewers are all welcome to come by and get registered.
Liminati, Inc., is the parent company of Liminati Productions, which is the producer of the “Planet’s Best DJ” show and contest.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Avatrait Gallery presents 9
Saturday March 21st, 9 artists will show their work at the Avatrait Gallery. This is a special event as never seen before,as the Avatrait Gallery is featuring 9 artists for one show.
This is an opportunity to see multiple art works from different artists at one show.
And I don't need to mention that I am one of them.;)
Monday, March 16, 2009
aRa Sheridan at Palacio de Bellas Artes
aRa Sheridan has an exhibition on March 16th , 3 PM SLT at the Art Launch Mexico (Palacio de Bellas Artes). Just click the link to arrive in the middle of her beautiful art.
Her art can be seen for the next 15 days at this location. Don't miss it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Avatrait May Gallery Contest
Are you an Artist? If you think you have what it takes to be a gallery artist for Avatrait, then here is your opportunity to show us what you've got! Rules at!
This is a contest for all non gallery artists of Avatrait. So let's see what you've got, and join the Avatrait website today!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Looker Lumet at the Avatrait Gallery site
The Avatrait Gallery not only produces virtual art for sale in-world, but creates real-world versions available to order. As popular as the Gallery has been, the amount of Second Life art that can be featured in it at any given time is limited, so we decided to develop a web site that would allow all those interested in this new genre to store, share, and even sell their works.
The new Avatrait web site is, obviously, a "work in progress", with new features and capabilities coming on-line all the time. Currently, there are only two types of membership, the Gallery Artists (who are part of the in-world Gallery collection), and Free Members.
Avatrait is largely a "labor of love" for a small group of dedicated individuals, and they frequently find themselves having to deal with having too few hours in the day/week/month to get everything that they're wanting to have (in terms of both functionality and content) on the site done.
But they are getting thing at the time. A few artists have already their frontpages. You can have a look at mine on this link.
If you're not a member yet , join today, and you will see what magnificent art people can make with the snapshots they took inworld. And who knows, you might be one of them in the near future.
Feathers Boa in the Role Magazine
In this issue we focus on in-world situations which affect us all. The cover story addresses the many ways artificial intelligence bots have changed our community: copy bots, land bots and traffic bots are a few examples of the ways in which we are all being forced to carefully evaluate what we choose to believe every day.
Topics in this issue include a retro, black and white fashion spread, and a closer look at the works of talented artists, musicians, designers, writers, builders, travelers and explorers.
Our upcoming installment features the works of the gifted Bryn Oh, Feathers Boa and talented musician BlindBoy Gumbo, March 14th at 12pm SLT at ROLE Magazine Headquarters on the Concetta sim.
Don't miss the article of Feathers Boa in this month's issue by undersigned!
For your convenience, ROLE Magazine is available in 2 formats. The in-world magazine is available at our many kiosk locations and offers the option of clicking the HUD’s menu button to receive a notecard of all referenced SLURLs. Our web version is available at and features “clickable” SLURLs.
As always, the team at ROLE Magazine thanks you for your continued interest and support. We hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed creating it!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Blog time
Ooww, I haven't been posting anything since February 7th. That is too long.
Writing a blog and keeping it up to date isn’t easy. I started in 2007, but have to admit that, due to circumstances, I am not able anymore to blog every day. I think it is a shame, and I regret that, but there is turning back.
Being active in Sl as the photographer of CYD records, writing articles in the Role magazine and being on the board of the Avatrait Gallery gives me not much time left to do the daily stories on my blog.
Nevertheless, I want to write now and than, to keep the few readers left on my blog up to date.
This evening I will be visiting the opening of Winter Wardhani’s first solo exhibition. Woot!!! She was the one who offered me some time ago to do my first solo exhibition at Portucalis. I am glad to see that she has her own show now.
In the meanwhile all articles for the next edition of the Role magazine are submitted and being edited. According Ofelia, the new edition looks again very promising. She told that the February edition alone, had already 4000 readers. So the curve is still climbing….. and so is the content of the magazine!! Don’t miss it, ‘cause this time I wrote an article about Feathers Boa…pssst…that should be a secret.;)
At the Avatrait gallery, Harry Huffmann is featuring this fortnight’s exhibition. On Friday at 2 PM SLT I will host the “Meet the artist” at the gallery inworld, so if you should have any question that you always wanted to ask Harry, but you never had the chance, come over and enjoy the chat hour with one of the most talented photographers in SL.
Some of you may have already noticed that I have found a new “toy”, that is called “Plurk”. Since the end of January, I am registered at “Plurk”, and that is fun doing, because I can not log in on SL at work, but I can plurk, and keeping myself very well aware of things that are happening inworld and in RL among my friends.
And between all these activities, I try to work on new pieces, learning every day what Photoshop has to offer, to make my works a bit more than just common. Thanks to some “new”and some "old" friends I have been able to find some inspiration again to continue my life as a photographer in SL, and even more than that.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
MechanizedLife - Grand Opening
Press release
In mid-January, CodeBastard Redgrave, creator of the MachinimaCam HUD and creator of the acclaimed Boudoir Rouge portrait series, completed the purchase of MechanizedLife from Alidar Moxie. Moxie chose to scale back her in-world business responsibilities and approached Redgrave with the opportunity to purchase MechanizedLife’s full catalog of scripted products. MechanizedLife products are scripted tools designed to make your Second Life more enjoyable and include a range of products for both casual users and business owners.
Since the purchase, Redgrave, a talented scripter, has completed, updated and released a number of items that she had built alongside Moxie in late 2008, created the new RezURL product and has opened the official MechanizedLife website ( which contains product information, technical documentation and direct links to each product’s XstreetSL page. Working with Rouge sim builder Eshi Otawara, Redgrave has expanded the Rouge Boutique on her iconic sim to make room for the new MechanizedLife main store.
On Saturday, February 7, 2009, Redgrave will host the Grand Opening of the new MechanizedLife. The all-day event will begin at 11:00am SLT with a press conference, followed, at noon, by a marathon, Rouge-style dance party featuring renowned Second Life DJs Nexeus Fatale, Amanda Shinji, DJ Genki, DJ Plusminus and more!
To celebrate the Grand Opening, all MechanizedLife and Boudoir Rouge products, including the BR individual and couples poses will be offered at 50% off regular price.
“The current MechanizedLife clients are incredibly loyal to the brand and I wanted to share this occasion with them and give them an opportunity to try some of our newer products at a substantial discount,” Redgrave said. “We also wanted to welcome new clients to the MechanizedLife family by giving them a chance to try our products without breaking the bank.”
Though the transition is ongoing, the products and MechanizedLife website have already been moved to servers personally hosted and maintained by Redgrave. This move was completed without any interruption of service.
Moxie will continue to provide support, as deemed necessary by Redgrave, for the next several months and Paypabak Writer will continue to provide first-line customer support just as she always has.
The full selection of scripted MechanizedLife products will be offered alongside Redgrave’s existing line of products including the MachinimaCam and FilterCam HUDs, the Boudoir Rouge brand of individual and couples poses, and the Dramavatar brand of eyes and clothing. All of these products can be found in the Rouge Boutique.
Teleport to MechanizedLife at Rouge Boutique and Press Conference.
Teleport to MechanizedLife at Rouge Boutique and Grand Opening Dance Party.
Monday, February 2, 2009
AM Radio in the February issue Role Magazine
Among the many features and topics of interest this month we include the announcement of our Grand Prize winner from the ROLE Magazine Photo Flickr contest, a cover story on the mysterious Arcadia Asylum, a lush fashion spread highlighting sensual lingerie in time for Valentine’s Day, an expanded section for men and a feature on artist AM Radio.
For your convenience, ROLE Magazine is available in 2 formats. Our in-world magazine is available at our many kiosk locations and offers the option of clicking the HUD’s menu button to receive a notecard of all referenced SLURLs. Our web version is available at and features “clickable” SLURLs.
As always, the team at ROLE Magazine thanks you for your continued interest and support. We hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed creating it!"
This month I wrote an article about AM Radio. He was so kind to do an interview with me. The article can be read in the magazine at page 60.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
2nd Rezzday already
On Thursday, January 29th, from 1 till 4 PM SLT, I will celebrate my second rezzday on Second Life.
The location for this party will be at the Dream Beach, Isla de Bahia, home location and stage of CYD Records.
Should there be anyone who did not receive an invitation inworld, please accept my apologies, but people were going on and offline, and I did not remember after some chats, IM's etc. who I did sent the message to and who not.;)
But please consider this blog post as an invitation. Everyone is welcome.
Several artists will perform live on stage, so I hope it will be an enjoyable evening for everyone!;)
See you there!
Friday, January 16, 2009
All good things come to an end.
I started at the end of January, 2007, trying to find a way and trying to make money. Certainly in the early stages it was not so easy. I remember trying to find good places to camp while I was doing some other work. And at that time, camping a rato of 2 Linden$/minute, would not made me rich, but it was a start. I thought, having a couple of hundred L$ would give me some comfort, but I soon realized that comfort isn't for sale for a couple of lindens.
After a few months I got 1000 linden$ from a friend, and that was in fact the real start. Since then my financial troubles were over. It only could increase, which it did.;)
In March or April 2007, a Belgian Friend started with a new sim, and I was able to buy a piece of land. It was my island and I have lived there for one year, but last August, it came unfortunately to an end. The sim was sold, prizes were increasing, so I had to let it go.
On my search for another place, some of my friends made me suggestions, but finally I choose for Dream Beach. I could rent a penthouse on an island where no one else lives, beside my neighbors of course, but that were only 3 other levels in the same building.
Dream Beach on Isla de Bahia, is also the place of CYD Records. They manage some artists in this virtual life, and I am the photographer of the group. This means I had a connection on this island.
Pictures of mine are exhibited in the Gallery, together with the RL paintings of Syl Darcy, and after a while I could make my own little studio on that very same sim.
My penthouse was only used to log in, and read my messages, so I decided yesterday to stop the rent of the penthouse.
All good things come to an end, but this one hasn't finished yet. I will stay on the sim with my small studio and gallery, so in fact, there are no big changes....only that I don't have to pay any rent for that penthouse anymore.
This means another chapter in my short existence of Second Life®,, but not necessarily a bad one.;-)
Monday, January 12, 2009
All about me ;))
On this very day, which is important to me in RL, I wanted to write a new article on my blog.
I know I haven’t been very producible lately, due to several reasons.
First, the combination RL and SL isn’t always easy for me, as it is for most of us, I suppose. Besides the family life, there is of course my professional life, which takes most of the 24 hrs, that are available to me.;)
Secondly, I have agreed to write an article every month in The Role magazine. I hear you saying…that can not take so much time, to write only one article a month. But I can assure you, that I try to do some research before writing something down. I want the content to be interesting for most readers, if possible for every reader. And I am trying to improve in that, every month again, as I think this magazine has the potential to grow to one of the most important magazines inworld.
And then there is of course the Avatrait gallery, which will take us considerable time for having all organized and set in the gallery itself. Now that Stephen has taken some time off, the rest of us in the board will take care of the things he did. And that won’t be easy, as he did a marvelous job in the past. But don’t you worry, he still will be around.;)
Good for me, that I still have to do some photo shoots from time to time for CYD RECORDS, as that gives me also the opportunity to know many performing artists, beside the digital artists who I already have met at several galleries.
And last but not least, I want to create my own “art”, and find the time to do that, as that is where it all began, and what I like doing the most.;)
You see, the time where I only had my pictures and this blog are over, unfortunately. But I have new perspectives and new engagements, which are a lot of fun doing.
I don’t forget my blog friends. I still visit their blogs from time to time, but not as much as I used to though.
I am glad that I have made so many friends inworld, even through my blog, and continue, after almost two years being on the grid, to make new friends and get to know new artists every day again. Thank you!
As I said in the past, this blog will remain my way of communication to you all, so thank you in the first place for still visiting this blog from time to time and keeping yourself informed about Looker Lumet.;))
Friday, January 2, 2009
New edition "Role Magazine"
First of all..a happy New Year and prosperous 2009 to all the readers and their family.
With this first article on my blog in 2009 I want to inform you all, that the new edition of the "Role Magazine" is out.
Again, the team has accomplished an even more interesting magazine for you this time. Of course there are articles about fashion, but also about art, travelling in SL, in and out the inworld house and other stories.
This is only the second edition, but you can see at the website, that there is a whole team working with a lot of professionalism, to make an outstanding magazine in and about the virtual world as we know it.
To read the magazine, you can either choose the following link, but also inworld you can read the magazine, by clicking on one of the many kiosks, which places are to be found on the website,